NGO ?Non-formal education for youth?
Official Website

Contact Person

Yevhenii Luhanskyi
NGO ?Non-formal education for youth?




Gender equality
Human rights
Media and communication
Non-formal learning
Peace and conflict


NGO ?Non-formal education for youth? is a non-profit, non-governmental youth organisation established in Dnipro in 2010 and working nationally as well as internationally. NGO ?NFE 4Y? is the important center for building youth social movement and training leaders of a new generation in Ukraine. Our mission is in the building of more tolerant, understanding and accepting society in Ukraine. We focused on the topics of peace building, intercultural interreligious dialogue, human rights, inclusion of minorities and refugees (IDP), tolerance and diversity, and active citizenship and participation of young people. Our aims are to involve young people into volunteering on local, national and international levels, to support youth in creating and implementing their own small-scale community- based projects which will support the ideas of tolerance, cultural diversity, antidiscrimination, social inclusion.

Experience in the implementation of educational projects aimed at young people

The organization ?NFE 4Y? regularly provides local, national and international seminars, meetings, camps, training courses which base on the principles of non-formal education with an engagement of youth with on ages 15-30. Three the main activities of our projects are: 1. Educational projects : - trainings of leadership for a better change in society among young people - schools of human rights covers human rights, civil rights, gender equality - trainings of trainers in the field of youth work - trainings of peace building and conflict transformation - camp of arts - trainings of development of business competencies and unemployment issues - schools of project management - youth work camps. 2. Social projects: - projects to support a healthy lifestyle - support for people with disabilities and with fewer opportunities - support campaigns for against limitations on human rights - ecological events, energy efficiency and savings 3. Cultural projects: - foreign language speaking clubs and film societies - literature evenings - exhibitions of art The persons on behalf of ?NFE 4Y? are strongly and actively involved in volunteering and youth work on national as well international levels since 2010. Staff of organization has previous experience in organizing trainings, youth exchanges, conferences and local events, took part in Polish-Ukrainian youth exchanges, Erasmus + projects, projects by Council of Europe. They possess different skills and are competent in areas such as human rights, project management, media and communications, healthy lifestyle, leadership, youth work, entrepreneurship, intercultural dialogue, video making and promotion and also group decision-making, project evaluation and team-building.


Doroshenko 14

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