Official Website
Contact Person
Kateryna Priazhnikova
Intercultural dialogue
Non-formal learning
NGO ?Development and Initiative? is Ukrainian organization, which was founded in 2015, aims to promote active citizenship, sustainable development and borderless Europe, youth employment and entrepreneurship.
The main priorities of NGO:
- promotion of youth participation, active civic position, leadership and ideas of democracy among young Ukrainians;
- digitalization of non-formal education and youth work recognition;
- spreading awareness of mobility opportunities and building up an active civic society via non-formal education projects;
- social inclusion and migrant youth adaptation (including digital and art based methods), promotion of tolerance and diversity;
- sustainable development, eco-entrepreneurship and promotion of social business among youth;
- media literacy and critical thinking skills development.
The typical activities of our organization:
- Developing educational programs for young people, directed toward leadership, tolerance, respect for human rights, digitalization, social inclusion and media literacy;
- Developing youth exchange programs between the youth of Ukraine and youth of other countries with the purpose of eliminating stereotypes and developing multicultural dialog and collaboration;
- Developing international exchange programs for representatives of different professional groups (trainers, teachers, journalists, public servants, businessmen, etc.) and their international colleagues with the purpose of exchanging ideas and developing collaboration.
We have created a solid cooperation with local governmental authorities, educational institutions, local non-profitable organizations, and volunteering movements.
We clearly see the ways how new active generation break stereotypes, develop their selves and the world around. It is so easy to change the question from "Why should I do it?" to "Who will do it if not me?". Only by active participation in social and political processes we can renovate our life and became the respectful part of the world society.
Information about project will be posted in our dissemination channels and shared with in our local network. Preliminary list of dissemination channels is presented with the amount of reachable audience:
1) Face book : https://facebook.com/developmentngo - 11000 + followers
2) Telegram channel with active members : @developmentngo ?2500+ followers
3) Instagram page: @developmentngo ? 1300+ followers
Experience in the implementation of educational projects aimed at young people
We organized national and international projects on topics:
- youth work recognition (number of trainings in region on youth/voluntary work recognition, toolkit development)
- social entrepreneurship (Business Incubator in cooperation with Dnipro University of Technology, summer schools, projects on social inclusion via art and theatre etc)
- active citizenship (School of active citizen based on British Council methodology, workshops for students from local Universities )
- human rights protection, intercultural dialog and peace management (local initiatives acting against discrimination of minorities, internally displaced people, cooperation with Europeans movements for equality and freedom of expression, democracy development)
- environmental protection and sustainable development strategy (zero waste management activities, Eco- entrepreneurship, organization of Eco-education initiatives for students )
- digitalization of youth work, communications technology systems and media tools (Lectures on media literacy and propaganda in cooperation with Internews-Ukraine, critical thinking and vaccination promotion, digital methods in formal and non-formal education)
- youth employment (workshops on how to right CV, internships in partner institutions)
healthy life style and sport activities (support of sport events, student tournaments)
More detailed information will be provided upon request. Please, contact us! office.development.initiative@gmail.com
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