Organization started its work in 2013. One of our organizations tasks is to help youngsters to find themselves in a vast abundance of
choices, to direct them towards professional choices, to provide with personal and working competences. These tasks are implemented
at the summer and winter camp Friends, where not only talented, creative and initiative youngsters come, but also not motivated
youngsters, who have difficulty to adapt in their environment, who have learning and communication difficulties.
Experience in the implementation of educational projects aimed at young people
We have experience in implementing projects of a variety of topics, we develop projects on the topics, such as entrepreneurship,
leadership, music, dance, healthy lifestyle, sports, we organize creative workshops for communities.
We implement international projects, where we help youngsters to get acquainted with different cultures, different people, to learn new
languages, to share different views and to enjoy multicultural communication possibilities.
Lieplaukes g. 37
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