Nowadays, Lithuanian Training Centre for Blind and Visually Impaired provides: - high school provides education for blind and visually impaired students aged 5-21; - abilitation and rehabilitation services for our students: through these services children and pupils can learn braille, the use of computer and technologies for communication, and strategies to learn mathematics and so on; - tiflopedagogical learning is help every child with a sight disability in Vilnius region (around 30 pupils) in a general . education school; - multidisciplinary team meetings that guarantee teacher of mainstream schools a consultancy service with specialized staff and tiflopedagist; - special educational programs, such as summer camps during which youngster come together to improve their computer, braille and autonomy skills; - prepare publications, textbooks, books in Braille. All the activities in our school focus on students' social skills developmentand social integration, inclusion. We are very interested in our professional development and in the improvement of our teaching methods and students non. formal education skills. Therefore, being partner in national and international projects is one of our main purpose.
Experience in the implementation of educational projects aimed at young people
We have already taken steps in fulfilling this objective, such as: - Erasmus+ Solidarity Corps; - attending the courses in Finland "The system of inclusive education for the visually impaired in Finland" (2019); - membership in the international organization ICEVI-Europe (from 2000); - cooperates with the Lithuanian Association for the Blind and the Library for the Blind; -Organised international conference -Participatina in Erasmus+ Beain with Sences". partners Fundacia Kopalnia Iniciatvw.
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